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Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.

You are here: irt.org | FOLDOC | Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc.

<company> A company providing Internet access on Sun Microsystems computers running Unix. Customers either log in to a shell running on a Netcom computer, or rent a SLIP or PPP connection and run their own net software. Most hosts are in San Jose, California, but they have Points of Presence all over the USA.


Address: 3031 Tisch Way San Jose, CA 95128, USA.

Telephone: +1 (408) 983 5950, +1 800 353 6600. Fax: +1 (408) 241 9145.


Nearby terms: netbui « netburp « netCDF « Netcom On-line Communication Services, Inc. » netdead » Netfind » net.god

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